My Summer Nighttime Routine (+ Skincare!)

my summer nighttime routine skincare Yay July! I feel like the summer is flying by, which is horrible and disgusting. The last time I went to the beach was July 4th, and I got so sunburned (despite MANY applications of SPF 50) that I looked like a Maine Lobster for a good two weeks, and haven't returned since. Other than that, we are in full-on summer mode. Which for Steve & me means lots of work. It's the price you pay for living in a seasonal beach town. Anyway.I have been a long-time hater of routine. It bores me to death and usually does not provide the soothing comfort that many experience from familiarity. I usually love that so many of my days look different, which prevents the restlessness that drives Steve up a wall. BUT, that has changed a bit since turning thirty. Maybe I am just getting old ????? Either way, I have a very loose routine that I am IN TO, and it is helping me get better sleep and actually enjoy going to bed. I know most people love to sleep, but my mind always seems to think lying down in bed is prime time to recount the to-do list, as well as think of new and creative ways in which I can conquer the world, so.Today I am sharing my summer nighttime routine & current favorite skincare products! 

Step One: Lay on the Couch Until the Last Possible Minute Before Bed So That Washing Your Face is a Dramatic Event.

This is something at which I am a pro. I will not, come hell or high water, go to bed without taking off my makeup. I also absolutely hate taking off my makeup because it is such a chore. Couple this with my supreme ability to procrastinate, and you having the winningest combo. When finally I arrive in the bathroom, I do the following:

  1. Remove questionably even cat-eye and mascara with coconut oil.
  2. Wash with Glossier's Milky Jelly Cleanser.
  3. 2-3 times a week I'll use an exfoliating scrub. Usually this one or this one.
  4. Apply 3-4 drops of this rosehip seed oil to my face & neck.
  5. Use this blemish solution or these pimple patches accordingly.
  6. Apply this under-eye cream that I love.
  7. Floss, and brush, and pull my hair into a high ponytail that resembles Medusa.

Step Two: Be Super OCD About Making Sure All Doors Are Locked and Windows are Shut Because Obviously.

I am being very flippant about this, but I have seen too many episodes of Criminal Minds. I always ask Steve if he locked the doors while simultaneously checking as he says, "yes, I did." just in case. One night after we first moved in I woke from a dead sleep because I heard a loud bang. I convinced myself that someone had broken into our neighbor's apartment upstairs, and would be traveling down to rid of us next. Steve slept soundly beside me, and Josie was snoring upside down on the couch, so a whole lotta good a husband and dog are doing me. I later realized our walls are paper thin, and my neighbor loves 3-am hammering projects. I am still convinced they may be building some kind of false bottom in the floor for Lord knows what.

Step Three: Concoct a Potion of Essential Oils and Diffuse My Witchcraft Onto Steve While He Rates My Various Blends.

Steve always asks what potions I am concocting each night, and loudly declares whether or not he likes the smell. He thinks it is the funniest joke of all time. it is decidedly not. I still cackle like a witch and pretend like I'm casting a spell over my diffuser to humor him. It is a weird moment all-around.Both he and my sister aren't fans of what has been lovingly dubbed 'Church Blend'. It is a ragtag mix of frankincense, peppermint, lemon, citrus and a few other things and everyone hates it but I love. It got it's name after my comedienne of a sister, Shannen, walked into my room and said, "why does it smell like church in here?"

Step Four: Get Up to Go to the Bathroom Approximately 64 Times.


Step Five: Catch Up On Social Media and Watch Netflix Even Though I Am Sure it is Horrible for My Soul/Vision.

I am trying to be better at this, guys. Kind of. I sometimes struggle to fall asleep at night, even when I intentionally shut down my electronics early, and it is tough. I have been occasionally drinking these Som Sleep sugar-free drinks when I need the extra help.

Step Six: Say My Prayers

This is usually a mix of traditional prayer and conversation. I sometimes listen to the Divine Mercy Chaplet (my favorite prayer!) or ask for a specific Saint's intercession. Steve & I chose Our Lady of La Leche as the patroness for our family which I shared over on Lisa's blog, so we often say the prayer on her prayer card before bed.

Step Seven: Fall Asleep, Finally

This is usually around midnight. I put on my favorite silk sleep mask, turn on our new air purifier, and call it a day. It's a regular spa up in this b.I so wish I could be a morning person, but everything in my body and life rejects it so here we are. Midnight-7/8 ish is the life I live for now. Steve lives the 6pm-6am life. JK, he goes to bed later than 6pm. Like, 8. We do always go in at the same time, though, which is nice. I am sure he thinks it's so great that I am there with all my electronics while he tries to get some shut-eye.Maybe I should give him my sleep mask.Maybe.P.s. — have you ever tried to take a photo on self-timer with animals? I tried to do this alone, but everyone cried and clawed outside my door like they were being murdered until I let them in, and so these happened. What a circus, am I right? Also, if you like this post you might also enjoy my recent haircare favorites right here. my summer nighttime routine skincare my summer nighttime routine skincare


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