How We First Met (According to my Husband)
Some of you may have heard this, but I'm reposting it for those of you who have yet to read about our incredible, odds-defying, romantic first meeting. Barf. This was written right after our engagement. Here it is, according to Steve:
The first time we met was unforgettable.
A cliché? I think not.How many other people can say that they met their future spouse while on a business trip to LA, me closing out a lucrative deal and at the end of the day crossing paths by chance with Katie, a bikini supermodel, both of us partying at the hottest nightclub around?
It happened so fast, but as they say, love often does. She looked at me and I looked at her. We didn’t stop looking at each other for hours, fighting the urge to blink. Passions soaked our senses like the crashing waves on the Golden Coast. Once words were exchanged it was over, or had just begun, her charm and radiant beauty blending with my swagger and machismo, fusing our souls for eternity. It was at that moment when I knew that we were destined for the greatest romance the world had ever seen, and a love that would conquer even death.
OK, whoa, hold up. That’s not entirely true. I’ve glossed over a few details, fabricated a few others, but I promise what I’m about to tell you now is the God’s honest truth regarding our love story, and I promise it will blow you away with both wonderment and maybe a little whimsy.Here goes...(Wait for it)
Katie and I met online.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT?????!!!!!!!!!I know, not as romantic as I built it up to be. But it’s greatest twenty-dollar investment I ever made.This isn’t a paid advertisement for the site (but really, let it be known that it’s hands down the best way to meet any living being in the history of all time), and I receive no royalties for the name drop, but with that being said...WOW CATHOLICMATCH.COM IS INCREDIBLE!Not really. Don’t get me wrong, a great site, but It’s all God. He’s the reason I’m honored to even utter my name in the same sentence as Katherine Ann Haviland. She’s by far the best answer to all my prayers, and e-mails (I swear that’s the last online dating reference. Swear). She’s my strength and my heart and my motivation and my-you get the point.“Well hold on!” you might say. “So you discovered each other online, fine, but how about the first time you met face to face? I’m sure THAT was a thrilling story, meant to be played out on the big screen or adapted for the stage by Bill Shakespeare! Well, what is it?”Hey, you asked for it, you got it.
Katie and I met in New Jersey.South Jersey, no less.
::CRICKETS, then resounding applause is stifled as small children well up with tears::The point to all of this is to say that although Katie's and my story is simple, straightforward, without blood shed or warring families or glitz or glamour or riches or fame or like an episode of Pretty Little Liars, it’s still a story I’ll never take for granted and cherish until the day I die. To me, I consider it The Greatest Story Ever Told 2, second only to Jesus’ story.If I had a choice between marrying Katie or watching the Bills win the super bowl every year for the rest of my life I’d choose marrying Katie (that’s a no brainer, I mean, if the Bills just make the playoffs before I die I’ll be happy. Either way it doesn’t matter, because I’m marrying Katie).
A little about Katie Haviland:
Katie is what would materialize if a mad scientist set out to create the most perfect woman on the planet, like if he threw ingredients into a potion vial, adding an unparalleled sense of humor, then limitless grace, a ton of beauty, blinding holiness, the intelligence of an Einstein or Margaret Thatcher, loads of sexiness-pause for maniacal laughter -then last but not least everything that makes her unique, like her extraordinary curly hair, her laugh, the scars from when she was a baby, the way she burps and isn’t ashamed of it, and her obsession with cats. Bake at 350 degrees, wait fifteen minutes and BAM! Perfecto! Katie Haviland!Katie would be considered a Greek Goddess if such things existed and it wasn’t blasphemous to say. Basically she’s a mortal version of Wonder Woman.Katie could kick Katniss Everdeen’s ass (if you don’t know who this person is replace with any vicious and sassy killing machine).A little about me:I’m marrying the above aforementioned woman! What more do you need to know? Woo hoo!I think that about sums it up.
Stay tuned for a more in-depth & awkward recounting according to moi.