The Current List: April 2018

Hey-oh! Thought I would jump in to share a few quick things going on in my life, because that's about all the mental space I have right now lololololollll. Without further ado, here's what I'm reading, watching, wearing, looking forward to, etc., right this very moment.

Currently Preparing For:

So many work things, which is amazing, but a little tiring. March was so, so, so busy, and April is a bit of a break, but it still doesn't feel quite like the light is at end of this tunnel.BUT I'm so excited to be hosting an infertility workshop withBlessed is She this week. I know I've spoken out about this before, but I would love for you to join us! My co-host, Molly, will be speaking more specifically about loss, and I am sure she will have so many beautiful things to say to those who have also suffered through miscarriage. The workshop is this Thursday, April 5th, at 9pm EST and you can register here.Also on deck are a few weddings, Confirmation for my 8th graders (!!!!!), a retreat I'm running for a local school, recording a podcast episode with our Diocese, and probably other stuff because if my planner & calendar aren't in front of me, forget it.I'm so happy though, because all of these things will bring me to what's up next:

Currently Looking Forward To:

FLORIDA. Steve and I are heading down to Naples for a few days and then to Orlando for his cousin's wedding and I CANNOT WAIT.Sunshine! Publix! Wrastling gators with my cousins in a truck bed! (joke)I am legitimately so over the cold weather (along with everyone else, I know. I am sure you are so over me saying this.) I thought after 7 years of living here I would be used to it but I am decidedly not. Give me warmth over everything.

Currently Wearing:

Steve's winter jacket, because mine broke and apparently there are still places with snow on the ground and spring hasn't gotten the memo. But really, I've snagged a few items for our upcoming trip, and I am loving:This Madewell top (now on sale!)These slides that you are probably sick ofThese same jeans literally all the timeThis dress I purchased for the weddingAnd on my wishlist: these cute shoes whenever they're back in stock, this coverup dress, and everything in this shop.

Currently Loving:

I also started an Amazon Influencer Page & will be adding to that regularly. It will be a sort-of rolling list of current favorites, but I just started it so more to come! Two skincare items I am obsessing over include this rosehip face oil, and this magical all-purpose cream. Also loving these super-fun eyeshadows I shared about in the beauty section of my instagram stories. 

Currently Reading:

I must admit I have almost negative amounts of time for reading, but I am trying to MAKE THE TIME. One of my 2018 goals is to read 20 books, and so far I've read one. HA! But I am currently juggling four others, so that counts I think?? Halfway through this one, and liking it, but I enjoy the entire Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. I know it's a little graphic for some. It reminds me of the Cormoran Strike novels that I ADORE. I wish a new one would come out already (are YOU READING THIS, J.K.??) Just picked this back up and it seems to be a fun no-brainer, rereading this one + adding this one for spirituality. My favorite book advisor, Christy  , suggested this mystery so it's next on my list.

Currently Listening To:

Steve loves to mention how stressful my musical selections are because they're "part worship music, part rap music, part sad-indie-love-songs, with some random pop and country"I must say, he is absolutely correct and I wouldn't have it any other way. My favorite game in the car is to ask if he wants to listen to music and then press shuffle before he objects. Here are a few of my favorite playlists on Spotify:The Best Music EVAH (worship)Oldiezzzzz (self-explanatory)Acoustic Songwriters Black Panther Album US Top 50

Currently Eating (lol?):

Is this a category? I'm making it one. Being GF/V/SF for Lent has proved very difficult, and while I've fallen off the proverbial wagon on multiple occasions, I did find a few new recipes to add to our dinner rotation. I put a few of them under the VEGAN highlights section on my instagram stories, but if you are not an insta-fanatic like me, I will drop the screenshots here below. I also shared my new fave GF/V Blueberry Cornbread recipe in the last post.

Currently Working Out With:

I am not a workout fanatic, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the BBG program from Kayla Itsines. I am currently on week one and today was leg & cardio day and I am dyyinnnng. Walking tomorrow should be super fun. I've only gotten as far as week 4 before, but I am determined to get through the entire 12 weeks. The workouts can be purchased as a PDF or you can download the app & pay a monthly subscription. I had the app before I had a gym membership, and it is totally worth it. It comes with three variatons of workouts (including weight-lifting focused & post-partum friendly!), and includes a meal plan. I can't say enough good things about these workouts. I hate them when I'm doing it, but I love the way they make me feel!Ok, I think that's enough chatter from me today, yeah?Hope you had an amazing Easter, and are continuing the celebration! I've had chocolate for breakfast the past few days so I AM HERE FOR IT.xo,Katie


Florida Mini-Vacation & A Family Wedding


Gluten Free Vegan Blueberry Cornbread