Thanksgiving in New York with the Waldows
I know I am SO LATE with this post, being that it's December, but here we are. Recapping our short little trip to Long Island to celebrate Thanksgiving with Stephen's fam. I've spent many Thanksgivings with the Waldows since Steve and I started dating, and every time I am more and more thankful for my amazing in-laws and the family that I married into. They are truly such a gift.
Steve and I drove up Thursday morning, pulling in with just enough time to change before guests arrived. Then I realized I'd spent so much time creating those Thanksgiving Outfit Ideas I forgot the very tights needed for what I planned to wear.Love life.I rushed out to find an open CVS, only to stumble upon some kind of sketchy clothing store that may/may not offer ethically sourced items. I snagged a pair of $4 footed tights which came with a priceless amount of discomfort throughout the evening, because $4 ethically ambiguous tights.Back to the house I went, pulling it together as quickly as possible because few things are as motivating as quality family time my MILs Thanksgiving meal. The sides are unreal, the desserts are piled a mile high, and the siblings & cousins come through with fun drinks. I tried a Coquito for the first time and it was grand. Also! Steve's sister, Meg, and hubs Kyle, surprised us from Nashville which was super fun. It wouldn't have been the same without them.After dinner we sang Happy Birthday to Peter and watched football, then passed out from exhaustion.
Friday morning we walked to the local high school field for the boys' traditional family football game. Peter tried to run onto the field every three seconds, and Stephen returned with a ripped shirt and beautiful burn on his back from the turf to prove his dedication to the game. I was a lousy cheerleader and mostly took selfies with Peter.We spent the rest of the day eating leftovers, taking naps and attempting to give Peter a haircut which took approximately 5 people and a YouTube video to accomplish.
The night ended downstairs in the game room, and I beat Steve in ping pong which I feel deserves documentation for all eternity via the internet. Unrelated, but still important, a photo of Peter in Spider-Man pjs:
Steve and I had to trek back to Ocean City Saturday afternoon, so we weren't able to join everyone in the city, but it was such a fun, relaxing two days. I walked to the church in Steve's neighborhood for daily Mass before we left, and it was beautiful. I love this church so much.We made it home in a casual 97 hours thanks to NY traffic and construction. I'm always so glad that we live close enough to travel here for the holidays, and I'm already looking forward to our next visit.And now, since I cannot believe we are 18 days from Christmas, I bid you adieu to return to my frantic online shopfest.I hope your Advent is off to a fun start!xoKatie